KS1 Football Club - Langton Green Primary (4 - 8yrs)
Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Langton Green Primary School ,
Lampington Row ,
Langton Green ,
Tunbridge Wells ,
TN3 0JG view map
We’re excited to now offer a KS1 football club at Langton green Primaryon a Wednesday after school, running term times from 3:30-4:30pm.
The club will focus on fun, early years development in football and football related games.
All pupils booked on will need a change of kit / clothing and suitable trainers for either the playground or field.
Register now!
Term price:
Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm3 sessions Wed 19 Mar 25 Wed 26 Mar 25 Wed 02 Apr 25
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This class is currently fully booked but places often become available through cancellations or increased capacity. Join the waiting list to be informed as soon as a place is available.
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